
This is the journal of the London Members of the TSE. It carries details of events in and around London - and much more!
It is currently in test format; it will be launched in December 2011.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Leeds Centre for Victorian Studies
Victorian Spiritualities
One Day Colloquium on 17 March 2012
This one-day colloquium will explore Victorian Spiritualities from a wide range of perspectives. Contributions on literary topics explore key figures such as Dickens and G.M. Hopkins, as well as lesser-known writers like Fitz-James O’Brien and T.E. Brown. Contributions on art history include a presentation on Evelyn de Morgan and Emily Ford, and there are also papers on ballet and textiles. Psychology, postcolonial studies and philosophy are also represented. The day will cover a wide variety of religious traditions, including Catholicism, Anglicanism and the Oxford Movement, Spiritualism, the Russian Orthodox Church, Quakerism, Judaism, and Buddhism. The keynote speakers are literary critic Elisabeth Jay and art historian Michaela Giebelhausen.

Registration Fee: £40 (includes copy of the Leeds Working Papers volume for the colloquium containing c.25 articles, plus lunch and refreshments). For more details and to register, contact j.hamblin@leedstrinity.ac.uk.

Colloquium convenor: Jane de Gay