
This is the journal of the London Members of the TSE. It carries details of events in and around London - and much more!
It is currently in test format; it will be launched in December 2011.

About Us

The London Centre of the Theosophical Society in England

Founding Members: Jenny Baker, Margaret Fleming, Janet Lee, Chris Totton, Ron Wallwork, George Wood, Basil Youdell 
The London Theosphical Post - conceived, created & edited by Janet Lee


The English Section is one of the oldest sections of the international Society which exists in 50 countries worldwide and has its Headquarters in Adyar, Chennai, India.  Each Section is self-governing, within the rules of the Society.

In England the Governing body is the National Council composed of representatives from the Lodges/ Branches and one representative for the National members.  It meets twice a year in April and October.  The day-to-day business is done by the Executive Committee whose members are elected from within the National Council.  

To promote Theosophy the country is divided into regions called Federations.  Today the English Section has almost 1000 members of which about half do not belong to a Branch.

Email us at london.theosophical.post@gmail.com
  • Phone us at the HQ of the TS in England on 020 7563 9817
  • Write to us at 50 Gloucester Place, LONDON W1U 8EA
  • Visit us at the TSE HQ on the east side of Gloucester Place between Blandford and Dorset Streets.

  • Many northbound buses stop near 50 Gloucester Place, southbound buses stop in Baker Street and east-west buses in the Marylebone Road or Oxford Street.
    The nearest tube stations are Baker Street, Marble Arch and Bond Street.
    The opening of Crossrail will make HQ even more accessible to those travelling in by mainline train.