
This is the journal of the London Members of the TSE. It carries details of events in and around London - and much more!
It is currently in test format; it will be launched in December 2011.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Three events on Sunday 16 October

Chrissie Astell
Chrissie Astell
Those of us who are aware of angels know of the healing joy their presence brings. Anchoring the Light of the angelic vibrational energies means honouring the Divine Masculine/Feminine balance of the Heavenly order, and working through issues of forgiveness, prejudice and judgement. You can learn the different energies of the great Archangels and be available to act as a conduit, in service to the higher good. Angels are amongst us now in greater numbers than ever before and urge us to engage with them for healing ourselves and the whole planet in readiness for what lies ahead. Let’s embrace the challenge and get ready for the next whirlwind of change

The life-changing vision of an angel in 1998 inspired nurse Chrissie Astell to pursue a career of personal and spiritual development. She is now an experienced spiritual facilitator and author of several angel books.

£15, £10 concessions, £7 members of the Theosophical Society.. Arranged by the Theosophical Society in England.


Introductory Course on the Ageless Wisdom, with Edward Archer

Sunday afternoons 18 September – 4 December, 4.45 – 5.45 pm

An informal session in which the basic teachings of the Divine Wisdom are explored and discussed. Everybody on this planet is in the Great School of Life - of spiritual development. Over the weeks we shall look at the great hidden truths which make sense of our lives and which gives them purpose. This is a basic grounding in The Eternal Mysteries, and it has absolutely no strings attached! The book The Key To Theosophy is recommended for newcomers.

Leader: Edward Archer, who has been a member of the Theosophical Society in England for 35 years.
Free admission. Arranged by Foundation for Theosophical Studies.


Graham Nicholls
Graham Nicholls Portrait
In this talk Graham Nicholls will introduce one of the most startling experiences available to us, the out-of-body experience or OBE. He will explain how through the OBE we can directly connect with the deepest spiritual levels of peace and interconnectedness. He will also explain the scientific experiments and research he has done that have redefined his understanding of the nature of reality. Graham Nicholls is an author with nearly 25 years of personal out-of-body exploration and research experience. Over the last 15 years he has developed unique environments and techniques especially designed to induce altered states and OBEs in people with no previous knowledge or skill in the area.

£7, £5 concessions. Arranged by the Foundation for Theosophical Studies