
This is the journal of the London Members of the TSE. It carries details of events in and around London - and much more!
It is currently in test format; it will be launched in December 2011.

Wednesday, 21 December 2011


Photo by Mary's good friend, Queenie Hamilton
The esoteric atmosphere created at 50 Gloucester Place by over 75 years of Theosophy and spiritual aspiration is a source of comfort and inspiration to many people. Mary Brace, a TS member since 1987, was undoubtedly one of them. Not feeling truly at home where she lived, she found inner peace at TSHQ. She was a familiar face in the front row at Sunday lectures for many years, and at Blavatsky Lodge meetings.

Born a short distance from 50 Gloucester Place (in Chiltern Street at 84 Wendover Court), she much liked the atmosphere of the Marylebone area and regretted leaving it. In her spiritual life although brought up Catholic, she became a Baptist, later to find Theosophy. Her career began with nursing, and developed into welfare and social work. She had multiple interests including: photography, ballet, swimming, French, German, Egyptology. Her good heart caused her, aged about 60, to run the London marathon, sponsored for charity.

She never married, but with her good friend Mike, she travelled to far-flung places such as Nepal, Sri Lanka, and The Gambia. Her next great adventure began suddenly at home in snowy mid-December, aged about 80. Her quiet, peaceful presence at TSHQ is much missed.

Edward Archer
(The London Theosophical Post will have room to honour all our members and rememberances are welcomed. - Ediitor)

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Next Events at 50 Gloucester Place W1U 8EA

Three events on Sunday 20 November 2011

Sunday Intensive - beginners welcome
Dhyana Centre of The Theosophical Society.  Leader: Alan Perry

The Dhyana Centre holds regular introductory courses for beginners on weekdays, dovetailing with weekend intensives that cover the same ground in a truncated form. Courses teach the theory and practice of meditation as a spiritual discipline.

Admission free, donations welcome

For details of retreats and other events, go to www.dhyanacentre.orgor info@dhyanacentre.org

Introductory Course on the Ageless Wisdom, with Edward Archer

Sunday afternoons 18 September – 4 December, 4.45 – 5.45 pm

An informal session in which the basic teachings of the Divine Wisdom are explored and discussed. Everybody on this planet is in the Great School of Life - of spiritual development. Over the weeks we shall look at the great hidden truths which make sense of our lives and which gives them purpose. This is a basic grounding in The Eternal Mysteries, and it has absolutely no strings attached! The book The Key To Theosophy is recommended for newcomers.

Leader: Edward Archer, who has been a member of the Theosophical Society in England for 35 years.
Free admission. Arranged by Foundation for Theosophical Studies

Wayne Gatfield

There is much talk nowadays about ‘Brotherhood; but it is mainly of a political or social nature. True Brotherhood arises from Soul Solidarity and the dissolving of the sense of Separateness that keeps us apart from our fellow human beings. Spiritual ideas of Brotherhood are based upon the essential Oneness of ALL living things and the fact that not a thought or action can be done without affecting others. This talk looks at ways we can try to activate True Brotherhood in our day to day lives.

Wayne Gatfield is President of Bolton Lodge and the editor of the North Western Federation Journal of the Theosophical Society in England. He is a national lecturer for the Foundation for Theosophical Studies and contributes articles and poetry for the Theosophist and other publications.

£7, £5 concessions. Arranged by the Foundation for Theosophical Studies

Monday, 24 October 2011

Wednesday 26 October 2011    3.0 - 5.30 pm


You are cordially invited to these gatherings in aid of the Theosophical Order of Service  http://www.tos-uk.org.uk - See our elegant Georgian building, including the lending library - Meet fellow members, guests and friends - Share your interests (do networking!) - Have tea or coffee and cake Entry is free and everyone is welcome. Please make a donation to the TOS!
This time we will be showing a film (in English) about Adyar, the Theosophical Society's International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India. Here is a taster from TS members in Mexico.

We plan to hold Tea Parties meetings at 50 Gloucester Place every few months, so please let us know if you can not attend on the above dates but would like to come in future.
Contact George McNamara at HQ or by e-mail: george@whatever-will.be

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Three events  on Sunday  23 October 2011 


Jill Purce

speaker This experiential lecture - including chant, mantra and overtone chanting -will explore how sound and the voice have been understood and used in different traditions not only as a description of cosmic creation and resonance but as one of the most effective ways to balance the mind and body and ultimately achieve enlightenment. The voice was used to re-enchant , which literally means to make magical through chant. Jill demonstrates how we can empower our lives by using our voice to release a uniquely powerful energy which can be used for physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual healing. By freeing the voice in certain ways it is possible to find physical health and emotional joy and spiritual ecstasy.
Jill Purce, international lecturer and author, pioneered the international sound healing movement through her discovery of ancient vocal techniques, the power of group chant and the spiritual potential of the voice as a magical instrument for healing and meditation.
£8, £6 concessions. Arranged by the Foundation for Theosophical Studies


Introductory Course on the Ageless Wisdom, with Edward Archer

Sunday afternoons 18 September – 4 December, 4.45 – 5.45 pm

An informal session in which the basic teachings of the Divine Wisdom are explored and discussed. Everybody on this planet is in the Great School of Life - of spiritual development. Over the weeks we shall look at the great hidden truths which make sense of our lives and which gives them purpose. This is a basic grounding in The Eternal Mysteries, and it has absolutely no strings attached! The book The Key To Theosophy is recommended for newcomers.

Leader: Edward Archer, who has been a member of the Theosophical Society in England for 35 years.
Free admission. Arranged by Foundation for Theosophical Studies.

10.0-4.30 Astrological Lodge of London:2011 History Seminar 

Nicolas Campion – the History of Astrology Today, Kim Farnell – Strange Case of Dr Lambe, Anna Estoroth,- Ancient Egyptian Astrology, Clair Chandler – Astrological Symbolism in the Greek Magical Papyri.

AL Members £30; non-Members £40 - pay on the door. 

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Three events on Sunday 16 October

Chrissie Astell
Chrissie Astell
Those of us who are aware of angels know of the healing joy their presence brings. Anchoring the Light of the angelic vibrational energies means honouring the Divine Masculine/Feminine balance of the Heavenly order, and working through issues of forgiveness, prejudice and judgement. You can learn the different energies of the great Archangels and be available to act as a conduit, in service to the higher good. Angels are amongst us now in greater numbers than ever before and urge us to engage with them for healing ourselves and the whole planet in readiness for what lies ahead. Let’s embrace the challenge and get ready for the next whirlwind of change

The life-changing vision of an angel in 1998 inspired nurse Chrissie Astell to pursue a career of personal and spiritual development. She is now an experienced spiritual facilitator and author of several angel books.

£15, £10 concessions, £7 members of the Theosophical Society.. Arranged by the Theosophical Society in England.


Introductory Course on the Ageless Wisdom, with Edward Archer

Sunday afternoons 18 September – 4 December, 4.45 – 5.45 pm

An informal session in which the basic teachings of the Divine Wisdom are explored and discussed. Everybody on this planet is in the Great School of Life - of spiritual development. Over the weeks we shall look at the great hidden truths which make sense of our lives and which gives them purpose. This is a basic grounding in The Eternal Mysteries, and it has absolutely no strings attached! The book The Key To Theosophy is recommended for newcomers.

Leader: Edward Archer, who has been a member of the Theosophical Society in England for 35 years.
Free admission. Arranged by Foundation for Theosophical Studies.


Graham Nicholls
Graham Nicholls Portrait
In this talk Graham Nicholls will introduce one of the most startling experiences available to us, the out-of-body experience or OBE. He will explain how through the OBE we can directly connect with the deepest spiritual levels of peace and interconnectedness. He will also explain the scientific experiments and research he has done that have redefined his understanding of the nature of reality. Graham Nicholls is an author with nearly 25 years of personal out-of-body exploration and research experience. Over the last 15 years he has developed unique environments and techniques especially designed to induce altered states and OBEs in people with no previous knowledge or skill in the area.

£7, £5 concessions. Arranged by the Foundation for Theosophical Studies

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Fanciful Fairies or Serious Spirits?

During the nineteenth century, fairies abounded not only in fairytales, but in literature, art and ballet.  Indeed, it is in ballet that these fairytales are still with us today, in those famous ballets such as Giselle and Sleeping Beauty.  Of course, they don’t always have the word fairy attached to them – they are variously named as sylphs, nymphs, shades and even swan-maidens.  But in whatever guise they appear, they are ethereal.  They no longer live in the material world but frequent the realm of the spirits of the dead.  Good spirits dwell alongside evil spirits here, and they conflict with each other.  And, as in all fairytales, the desired outcome is, of course, a happy ending, when the good spirits have triumphed over the evil spirits. 
But is there more to it than that?
Well yes.  Upon closer examination, a deeper level emerges.  Each balletic heroine, like Giselle, the Princess Aurora, the Swan-Princess Odette and the bayadère Nikia, corresponds to the soul of everyman, which, having quit the outward world of matter, retreats into an inner spiritual world (sometimes called the Dark night of the Soul).  There the soul must purify itself before it can resurrect itself into an illuminated heaven.  That happy ending in heaven is really the mystical destination of the soul’s spiritual journey  - a journey which it must undertake of its own accord, alone and unaided, willing each step of the way, like a pilgrim driven to seek salvation.

Margaret  Fleming
Margaret, a former ballerina, will be giving a talk entitled CHARACTERS OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS FROM 19TH  CENTURY BALLET at the Gnostic Centre of the Theosophical Society, 50 Gloucester Place, London W1U 8EA at 7 pm on Wednesday 14 December 2011.  Admission: £5, £4 concessions, £3 TS members.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Tim Wyatt talks about Alchemy...


By Edward Archer

What’s in a word?  The true, esoteric answer is more than most people can possibly imagine. One Master of the Wisdom put it this way: ‘There are some words so powerful that used by the uninitiated they could pretty much wreck the Universe.  Speech is the most occult manifestation in existence; it is the means of creation and the vehicle of force.

I’ve been a member of the Theosophical Society for many years, and I take a particular interest in words and sound and their subtleties.  The word ‘Theosophical’ I can just about live with despite the suffix: -ical, which sounds a bit like a diminutive to me.  Infants, who are just learning to talk, say ickle when they mean little.  However, ‘Theosophist’ I have always been a little uneasy about.  Within the T S  it has been used for decades as a complimentary synonym for a member of the society.  Personally, I have never wanted to label myself a Theosophist, and at long last I have worked out why.  It’s the word! It’s the sound!  The fact is that –ists do not have a good reputation these days.  Think of Islamist terrorists (who may just have cysts on their fists!)  And who wants to be kissed by a nudist feminist?!

Not only do –ists have a poor reputation, but sophists do too.  ‘In Ancient Greece, in popular thought they were associated with moral scepticism and specious reasoning.’  And the idea persists today: ‘a person who uses clever but false arguments.’ Thus seven of the eleven letters of the word Theosophist connect it with a thought-form which is really rather undesirable and not at all compatible with the Ageless Wisdom.

But there is ‘Theosophia’.  H P Blavatsky, who co-founded the Theosophical Society, wrote of it and defined it thus: ‘Wisdom-religion or Divine Wisdom.  The substratum and basis of all the World-religions and philosophies taught and practised by a few elect since man became a thinking being.’

Ah, Theosophia, that mellifluous-sounding word which symbolises Theos, the divine masculine, entwined forever in a creative embrace with the divine, wise feminine, Sophia.  Bearing this great idea in mind, what might we call those who love Theosophia, the Ageless Wisdom, and live the Divine Ethics? 

The answer is very simple:  supply a happy n-ding…. and we have ‘Theosophians’.  In all my years of being a T S member I have never seen it in print or heard it spoken.  Strange!  After all, -ian has a much better reputation than –ist.  No one is named Ist, but plenty of men are named Ian, and women are named An(n)(e).

How then shall we define ‘Theosophians’?  Most importantly, since Theosophy is ‘the great renunciation of self’, this is not a title you may bestow on yourself.  These people, recognised by their peers, are a rare breed, old souls, original thinkers who may or may not be members of the T S.  They may not consciously know a great deal about the Ageless Wisdom, but they practice it anyhow: loving humanity and Truth more than themselves.

I’d like to nominate our first Theosophian: Albert Einstein.  He had a copy of H P Blavatsky’s ‘The Secret Doctrine’ on his desk, and his finely-tuned inner vision enabled him to perceive certain fundamentals about the Universe.

 And while were at it, I have another nominee, of a different gender.   In the Western World, we seem to be regrettably short of goddesses.  There were, of course, the ‘screen goddesses’ of the 1920s and ‘30s, but modern reveal-all publicity and celebrity culture seem to have killed them all off!  In the realm of religion there is the Virgin Mary, but she can hardly be called a goddess. 

I think the Swiss Psychologist Carl Jung would probably say that there is something intrinsically unbalanced about a culture which does not recognise, appreciate and personify the elevated, fertile, receptive, nurturing feminine force in the world.  So I nominate Sophia, the wisdom-feminine.  And if, by any chance, she should look a little like her namesake the Italian beauty, Sophia Loren, film star of the 1960s, with the classic face and feminine form, so much the better.  I’m not a Sixth Ray devotional type myself, but I’d devote myself to Her!  So, Viva Sophia!  And long live her children, the Theosophians!

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Theosophical Gallery Tours - Autumn 2011

Yet another series of gallery tours is starting soon: 

Tuesday 20th September – British Museum – “Gods and Goddesses of many cultures” 

Tuesday 11th October – Natural History Museum –“Theosophy, Fossil Record and Early Man”

Tuesday 15th November  - Tate Britain, Millbank – “Blake and Turner – colour and form”

Tuesday 6th December – Victoria + Albert Museum –“World Religions”

In each case, meet at the relevant main entrance at 2pm, or phone George on 078 8181 3242 if you are late and trying to find us.

Please note that we have changed the meeting day to TUESDAY

There is always lots to see, with new exhibits, new displays, and new people to meet, and things we have seen before to look at "with new eyes". The London Museums and Galleries almost qualify for World Heritage status, and there are  many displays of a spiritual or theosophical interest.  We look at things for an hour, then have coffee, and then look round some more. 

Theosophical Tea Party (Tea-and-Coffeecal Society)

Wednesday 26th October, 3pm to 5.30 pm
At the TS Headquarters, 50 Gloucester Place London WC1 8EA

We will show a video of the International Headquarters at Adyar, as well has having teo, coffee, cake and conversation.

It's a good opportunity for people to visit the TS HQ, see the library, meet other members, and discuss topics of interest. Friends and guests are also welcome.

We would also like to see if we can establish a London branch of the Theosophical Order of Service, and perhaps try to set up more meetings. 

Looking forward to seeing you

Best Wishes,   George McNamara

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

FTS Summer School 2011

summer school 2011


Saturday 6th August
2:30 pm Onwards – Arrivals and Registration
6 pm – Dinner
7.30 pm – Welcome by the Chairman
plus Preview of Study Groups and Workshops.

Daily from Sunday to Friday
7 am – Yoga
8 am – Meditation
8:15 am – Breakfast,
9 am – Registration for Day Delegates
9.30 am – Notices
10.45 am – Coffee
12:45 pm – Lunch
3:45 pm – Tea
6 pm – Dinner
9.15 pm – Meditation
Sunday 7th August

9.45 am Lecture “The Masters and the Path” Eric McGough
11.15 am – 12.30 pm Choice of Study Groups:
1. “The Winged Bird of Love Divine - Pathway to the Shining Self.” Susan Bayliss
2. “The Voice of the Silence” David Roef
3. “Ancient Wisdom; Modern Truth; the Paths of Yoga” Derek Thorne
4. “Life gets More Exciting (with each passing day)” Ruby Tovet
2.30 pm Free Time or Choice of Workshops including the following:
Yoga, Chi qong, Reflexology, Healing and Circle Dancing.
4.30 pm “The Blavatsky Lecture. “The Bodhisattva Path” Bhupendra Vora
7.30 pm “The Story of Jerome Kern” - Musical Presentation. Frank Arkwright

8th August
9.45 am Lecture “The Searchers” Harold Tarn
11.15 am Study Groups (as Sunday)
2.30 pm Free Time or Choice of Workshops (as Sunday)
4.15 pm Lecture “Intuition: Theosophy in Action” Teresa McDermott.
7.30 pm An Audio-Visual Miscellany Cynthia and Atma Trasi.

Tuesday 9th August

9.45 am Lecture “Once you're Dead you're Made for Life” Tim Wyatt
11.15 am Study Groups (as Sunday)
2.30 pm. Free Time or Choice of Workshops (as Sunday)
4.15 pm Lecture “The Heart of the Matter” Cynthia Trasi
7.30 pm Public Lecture in Bristol Theosophical Society:
“ The Search for Truth” Bhupendra Vora

Wednesday 10th August

9.45 am Lecture “Theosophists in Action” Diana Dunningham Chapotin
11.15 am – 12.30 pm Choice of Study Groups:
1. “Theosophical Concepts and beliefs” Jennie Dix
2. “A Fresh look at the Planes and the Principles” David Harvey
3. “Theosophy and the Qabbalah” Finian Heavey
4. “The Secret Doctrine” Tony Maddock
2pm Coach Outing to Dyrham Park, South Gloucestershire - This National Trust property with its 17th Century mansion is set in a stunning deer park on the edge of the dramatic Cotswold escarpment.
7.30pm “The Magic Flute” A Musical Presentation Harold Tarn

Thursday 11th August

9.45 am Lecture “Kwan Yin and the Path of Compassion” Wayne Gatfield.
11.15 am Study Groups (as Wednesday)
2.30 pm Free Time or Choice of Workshops (as Wednesday)
4.15 pm Lecture “From the Magnificent….to the Mundane” Barry Thompson.
7.30 pm Theosophical Conundrums Diana Dunningham Chapotin

Friday 12th August

9.45 am Lecture “Release of the shining Self” Peter Barton.
11.15 am Study Groups (as Wednesday)
2.30 pm Free Time or Choice of Workshops (as Wednesday)
4.15 pm Lecture “The Dhyani Buddhas” Janet Hoult
7.30 pm. Concert

Saturday 13th August

8 am Meditation
9.30 am Lecture “The secret Wisdom of the Soul” Colin Price
10.30 am Closing Remarks from the Chairman and departure.
Departure after coffee

The Foundation for Theosophical Studies - Registered Charity Number 101 4648

Click here to download booking form
Click here to download the full programme brochure


It is eighteen years since the Theosophical Society in England had a functioning London Federation.  The purpose of a Federation is to work with the Branches and Centres within its area, to organise conferences and lectures and to promote theosophy generally.  It also keeps a register of the National members who are not attached to either a Branch or Centre.

Twenty five years ago London had several Branches besides the Blavatsky Lodge which held its meetings at 50 Gloucester Place.  Sadly, today other than it and the Dhyana and Gnostic centres which also meet at HQ, there are no functioning Branches in the London area.  This means that most of the roughly 350 TS members in London do not attend any meeting on a regular basis.  Some come to the public lectures and study groups held at HQ but many have little contact with other theosophists.
For several years the National members nationwide have received a quarterly magazine, The Link, which keeps them informed and now all members receive a free copy of Esoterica which has taken over from Insight.

With so many National members living in the Greater London area it seemed right to resurrect the London Federation in a way that would bring them together and make them feel part of such a unique International Organisation.

A steering committee, therefore, has been set up, much debate taken place and some decisions made. The following was agreed: “The purpose of the Federation is to promote awareness of Theosophy, encourage and facilitate contact between Theosophists, networking and to arrange public events.”

So, how are we going to do this?  We are doing a demographic survey of the London members so we know the best areas in which to hold public meetings and social gatherings, thus putting members in touch with each other for friendship and discussion and study of Theosophical concepts.

We are also setting up an internet Blog called The London Theosophical Post enabling those of you with computers can keep in touch with what is happening in and around London.  Those of you without computers will, of course, be kept informed in the usual ways. 

We want to move into the 21st Century and to make use of the fantastic modern technology available to us and we hope you will be as excited about it as we are.  Any comments or items for the Blog can be sent to london.theosophical.post@gmail.com .  In addition, if you would prefer to receive your copy of The Link electronically please send your email address to jbaker@theosoc.org.uk so that we can have this in place by the next edition.

Jenny Baker
Michael Gomes on HPB