
This is the journal of the London Members of the TSE. It carries details of events in and around London - and much more!
It is currently in test format; it will be launched in December 2011.

Wednesday, 21 December 2011


Photo by Mary's good friend, Queenie Hamilton
The esoteric atmosphere created at 50 Gloucester Place by over 75 years of Theosophy and spiritual aspiration is a source of comfort and inspiration to many people. Mary Brace, a TS member since 1987, was undoubtedly one of them. Not feeling truly at home where she lived, she found inner peace at TSHQ. She was a familiar face in the front row at Sunday lectures for many years, and at Blavatsky Lodge meetings.

Born a short distance from 50 Gloucester Place (in Chiltern Street at 84 Wendover Court), she much liked the atmosphere of the Marylebone area and regretted leaving it. In her spiritual life although brought up Catholic, she became a Baptist, later to find Theosophy. Her career began with nursing, and developed into welfare and social work. She had multiple interests including: photography, ballet, swimming, French, German, Egyptology. Her good heart caused her, aged about 60, to run the London marathon, sponsored for charity.

She never married, but with her good friend Mike, she travelled to far-flung places such as Nepal, Sri Lanka, and The Gambia. Her next great adventure began suddenly at home in snowy mid-December, aged about 80. Her quiet, peaceful presence at TSHQ is much missed.

Edward Archer
(The London Theosophical Post will have room to honour all our members and rememberances are welcomed. - Ediitor)