
This is the journal of the London Members of the TSE. It carries details of events in and around London - and much more!
It is currently in test format; it will be launched in December 2011.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

FTS Summer School 2011

summer school 2011


Saturday 6th August
2:30 pm Onwards – Arrivals and Registration
6 pm – Dinner
7.30 pm – Welcome by the Chairman
plus Preview of Study Groups and Workshops.

Daily from Sunday to Friday
7 am – Yoga
8 am – Meditation
8:15 am – Breakfast,
9 am – Registration for Day Delegates
9.30 am – Notices
10.45 am – Coffee
12:45 pm – Lunch
3:45 pm – Tea
6 pm – Dinner
9.15 pm – Meditation
Sunday 7th August

9.45 am Lecture “The Masters and the Path” Eric McGough
11.15 am – 12.30 pm Choice of Study Groups:
1. “The Winged Bird of Love Divine - Pathway to the Shining Self.” Susan Bayliss
2. “The Voice of the Silence” David Roef
3. “Ancient Wisdom; Modern Truth; the Paths of Yoga” Derek Thorne
4. “Life gets More Exciting (with each passing day)” Ruby Tovet
2.30 pm Free Time or Choice of Workshops including the following:
Yoga, Chi qong, Reflexology, Healing and Circle Dancing.
4.30 pm “The Blavatsky Lecture. “The Bodhisattva Path” Bhupendra Vora
7.30 pm “The Story of Jerome Kern” - Musical Presentation. Frank Arkwright

8th August
9.45 am Lecture “The Searchers” Harold Tarn
11.15 am Study Groups (as Sunday)
2.30 pm Free Time or Choice of Workshops (as Sunday)
4.15 pm Lecture “Intuition: Theosophy in Action” Teresa McDermott.
7.30 pm An Audio-Visual Miscellany Cynthia and Atma Trasi.

Tuesday 9th August

9.45 am Lecture “Once you're Dead you're Made for Life” Tim Wyatt
11.15 am Study Groups (as Sunday)
2.30 pm. Free Time or Choice of Workshops (as Sunday)
4.15 pm Lecture “The Heart of the Matter” Cynthia Trasi
7.30 pm Public Lecture in Bristol Theosophical Society:
“ The Search for Truth” Bhupendra Vora

Wednesday 10th August

9.45 am Lecture “Theosophists in Action” Diana Dunningham Chapotin
11.15 am – 12.30 pm Choice of Study Groups:
1. “Theosophical Concepts and beliefs” Jennie Dix
2. “A Fresh look at the Planes and the Principles” David Harvey
3. “Theosophy and the Qabbalah” Finian Heavey
4. “The Secret Doctrine” Tony Maddock
2pm Coach Outing to Dyrham Park, South Gloucestershire - This National Trust property with its 17th Century mansion is set in a stunning deer park on the edge of the dramatic Cotswold escarpment.
7.30pm “The Magic Flute” A Musical Presentation Harold Tarn

Thursday 11th August

9.45 am Lecture “Kwan Yin and the Path of Compassion” Wayne Gatfield.
11.15 am Study Groups (as Wednesday)
2.30 pm Free Time or Choice of Workshops (as Wednesday)
4.15 pm Lecture “From the Magnificent….to the Mundane” Barry Thompson.
7.30 pm Theosophical Conundrums Diana Dunningham Chapotin

Friday 12th August

9.45 am Lecture “Release of the shining Self” Peter Barton.
11.15 am Study Groups (as Wednesday)
2.30 pm Free Time or Choice of Workshops (as Wednesday)
4.15 pm Lecture “The Dhyani Buddhas” Janet Hoult
7.30 pm. Concert

Saturday 13th August

8 am Meditation
9.30 am Lecture “The secret Wisdom of the Soul” Colin Price
10.30 am Closing Remarks from the Chairman and departure.
Departure after coffee

The Foundation for Theosophical Studies - Registered Charity Number 101 4648

Click here to download booking form
Click here to download the full programme brochure


It is eighteen years since the Theosophical Society in England had a functioning London Federation.  The purpose of a Federation is to work with the Branches and Centres within its area, to organise conferences and lectures and to promote theosophy generally.  It also keeps a register of the National members who are not attached to either a Branch or Centre.

Twenty five years ago London had several Branches besides the Blavatsky Lodge which held its meetings at 50 Gloucester Place.  Sadly, today other than it and the Dhyana and Gnostic centres which also meet at HQ, there are no functioning Branches in the London area.  This means that most of the roughly 350 TS members in London do not attend any meeting on a regular basis.  Some come to the public lectures and study groups held at HQ but many have little contact with other theosophists.
For several years the National members nationwide have received a quarterly magazine, The Link, which keeps them informed and now all members receive a free copy of Esoterica which has taken over from Insight.

With so many National members living in the Greater London area it seemed right to resurrect the London Federation in a way that would bring them together and make them feel part of such a unique International Organisation.

A steering committee, therefore, has been set up, much debate taken place and some decisions made. The following was agreed: “The purpose of the Federation is to promote awareness of Theosophy, encourage and facilitate contact between Theosophists, networking and to arrange public events.”

So, how are we going to do this?  We are doing a demographic survey of the London members so we know the best areas in which to hold public meetings and social gatherings, thus putting members in touch with each other for friendship and discussion and study of Theosophical concepts.

We are also setting up an internet Blog called The London Theosophical Post enabling those of you with computers can keep in touch with what is happening in and around London.  Those of you without computers will, of course, be kept informed in the usual ways. 

We want to move into the 21st Century and to make use of the fantastic modern technology available to us and we hope you will be as excited about it as we are.  Any comments or items for the Blog can be sent to london.theosophical.post@gmail.com .  In addition, if you would prefer to receive your copy of The Link electronically please send your email address to jbaker@theosoc.org.uk so that we can have this in place by the next edition.

Jenny Baker
Michael Gomes on HPB